Carrasco Family Law Blog

How Attorney Assistance Can Help You Handle A Divorce

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Divorce is not an ideal situation to be faced with, but it may be the only viable step to take. If you’re in this situation, consider working with a divorce attorney. With their assistance, you’ll gain access to the following benefits.  Emotional Support Going through a divorce alone is an extremely difficult thing to do. Sometimes, you just need a party to rely on. A divorce attorney can be this emotional support in addition to a legal one. Read More»

Have You Signed A Letter Of Representation With A Workers Comp Attorney? What The Insurance Company Can And Cannot Do

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If you have been injured on the job, you may be able to file a worker’s compensation case. A worker’s compensation case helps to cover your lost wages, pay for your medical expenses and pay for any permanent injuries that you may have sustained due to a job-related injury. Many people decide to hire a worker’s compensation attorney to help them with their case. If you have just hired an attorney, you may have signed a letter of representation that is then passed on to the insurance company. Read More»

What Is Loss Of Consortium In A Personal Injury Case?

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When a car accident has impacted the life of a victim to such a degree that everyone feels it, that is loss of consortium. This damage category varies from state to state and is known by other names, such as loss of conjugal fellowship, loss of marital compatibility, and others. This form of damage is not always appropriate, but should be considered along with all the other losses like: Physical health Transportation Lost wages Pain and suffering To find out more about loss of consortium, read on. Read More»

4 Questions To Ask In A Consultation With A Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Being charged with a crime can be a stressful situation; depending on the severity of the crime, you could face anything from hefty fines and probation to prison time. This is where having the right criminal defense lawyer on your side can make all the difference. Any reputable criminal defense office should offer free case evaluations, so now is a good time to begin setting up these appointments. With each consultation, there are a few key questions worth asking that can help you determine whether a specific defense attorney is a good fit for you. Read More»

Do You Need A Lawyer To Incorporate Your Small Business?

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If you’re finally taking a leap out of the rat race and going into business for yourself, you may be wondering about the bureaucratic and regulatory hoops you’ll need to jump through in order to bring your business to life. Do you need to incorporate your business, and if so, what business structure should you choose? Is this something you can do on your own, or will you need a small business lawyer? Read More»