Carrasco Family Law Blog

Do You Need An Attorney To Modify Your Will?

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Many people know that it’s a good idea to hire an estate attorney to write a will, but they don’t necessarily know if they need one for additional changes later on. When you’re dealing with your estate, you might figure that it’s safer to hire an attorney. In fact, it’s often safer to have an attorney modify your will for you. Here are some of the biggest reasons why.  An Attorney Can Help Avoid Common Mistakes Read More»

Why You Need To Seek Probate Assistance If You Have An Estate Dispute

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Estate disputes are not uncommon, particularly when there is a large estate or complex family dynamics. If you find yourself amid such a dispute, it is important to seek professional probate assistance. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a lengthy and costly legal battle. This article outlines why you should seek probate assistance if you have an estate dispute. To Protect Your Interests If you’re an heir or estate owner, you should ensure that your property is protected at all times. Read More»

What Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filers Should Know About Reaffirmations

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If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you might be concerned about your vehicle loan. It can be more difficult to get a vehicle loan with bankruptcy on your record and you may want to keep your vehicle if you can afford it. Read on to find out what can be done to renew your pledge to pay off your auto loan with chapter 7 bankruptcy. Autos Are Secured Property Read More»

Top Deportation Defenses For Immigrants

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If you do not have permission to be in the United States legally, either as a citizen or legal alien, then you are at risk of deportation. Even if you have been notified that you are subject to being deported, you still have at your disposal several legal defenses that could allow you to remain in this country. Here is a closer look at some of the legal options available to you. Read More»

Custodial Rights: Can A Lawyer Help You See Your Child?

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If you and your ex-spouse share joint legal custody of your children, the family court may allow you specific days or times of the year to visit or spend time with your kids. But if your children’s other parent refuses to honor your time-share agreement, you may wonder if the other parent violated your parental rights. You can fight for your custodial rights with a child custody lawyer’s help. Learn more about time-share agreements and how to fight for your parental and custodial rights below. Read More»