If you have a mortgage and suffer financial hardship, paying it on time could prove difficult. It could be so bad that your lender threatens to foreclose on the property. If you’re in this tough spot, hire a mortgage attorney who can help you in a professional, effective manner.
Break Down Foreclosure Laws
Before a defense is developed, you first need to know what foreclosure laws apply to your state. A mortgage lawyer can carefully go over these laws and help you understand your case. Read More»
Do you suspect that you were subject to discrimination during an interview? Signs of discrimination can be obvious, but they’re more likely to be subtle. Recognizing actionable discrimination within interviews is key, though, to pursuing a legitimate case and damages for the income you missed out on. To help you identify real discrimination in its many forms, here are four ways it may occur.
1. Personal Questions. While an employer may ask certain personal questions, these cannot delve into areas of a candidate’s life that aren’t the legitimate business of the employer. Read More»
If you currently have a last will and testament, you might think you covered your bases with your estate plan. While a will does cover some of the bases, it might not provide all the protection you need. Many people use living trusts in addition to their wills, as living trusts take estate planning one step further. Here is an explanation of what a living trust is and the benefits of having one. Read More»
Worker’s compensation is a form of insurance employers with a certain number of employees have to carry to protect themselves from financial hardship if a person gets hurt on the job. Once you have filed your claim and received benefits, it becomes a bit of a waiting game before you can return to work. Even though worker’s comp attorneys are usually sought because the insurance company denies payments, attorneys may also be called in for help due to problems with returning to work. Read More»
In 2016, there were just under 8,500 paid medical malpractice claims with many of these claims involving dentists. Unless your dentist made a significant mistake, you will likely need to hire an expert witness to help you with a dental malpractice case. The expert witness will be responsible for explaining breach and causation.
A breach refers to when a dentist has a duty of care and breached this duty. The dentist was expected to take specific actions but did not take them. Read More»