Carrasco Family Law Blog

Four Ways You Become A Father – Legally

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For a happy couple, a positive pregnancy test brings bouts of joy and happy expectations.  Establishing legal paternity at this time is rarely a concern.  Circumstances of life, however, might later bring paternity questions to light. So, understanding the various ways you become a father legally is crucial. 1. DNA Paternity Testing Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, testing establishes near perfect certainty that you’re the biological parent of a child. If you’re just curious, you can use a home DNA test kit to check paternity. Read More»

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Eligibility Requirements, & Nonexempt Assets

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Filing for bankruptcy can be a stressful time in one’s life, but just getting started can be one of the hardest things of all. Not knowing whether you should file for chapter 20, chapter 13, chapter 11, or chapter 7 bankruptcy, which will let you keep certain assets and which will forfeit them, or even how to find a good lawyer, can make an already stressful time all the more unbearable. Read More»

3 Deadly Truck Accidents An Accident Lawyer Can Help You With

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Commercial truck accidents are without a doubt the most catastrophic and can result in serious injuries to drivers of personal-use vehicles. The disparity in size and weight between a fully loaded commercial truck and a personal car gives the driver in the smaller vehicle almost no chance of survival. There are a number of unique dangers that can occur when an accident involves a commercial truck which are not possible when passenger vehicles are concerned. Read More»

Common Questions About Preventing Big Truck Collisions On The Roadway

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Driving in general can be intimidating. With there always being a chance of other drivers not being safe or something going wrong with your own automobile, you never know when an accident could occur. However, sharing the road with large trucks that could easily drive right over your vehicle can be downright scary. It is a fact that accidents involving regular vehicles and semi trucks are excessively concerning. Unfortunately, there is no separate highway for regular motor vehicles, and therefore, learning how to avoid an accident is always the best option. Read More»

3 Types Of Divorce Options

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When it comes to ending your marriage, you do have options. It is important to choose the best divorce type for your individual situation. The method of divorce you select can make a difference in a number of factors that may involve the costs and the speed at which it is finalized. Knowing the types of divorce options can be helpful if you are faced with this unfortunate situation. Collaborative divorce Read More»