Carrasco Family Law Blog

Can You Sue For Botched Plastic Surgery?

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For many people, cosmetic surgeries are a way to assist in boosting self confidence and self acceptance. Like any surgery, it comes with a price and instances of negligence on the doctor’s part. Knowing the difference between an incompetent doctor and lips you just don’t like will save you thousands of dollars and keep you needlessly in court. What Is a Botched Plastic Surgery? A botched surgery isn’t simply not liking how a procedure turned out; it involves serious repercussions and complications. Read More»

3 Reasons Your ERISA Disability Claim May Get Denied

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Long-term disability insurance is designed to help you financially if you are injured and unable to work. These policies are usually governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and there are many rules and regulations when filing an ERISA disability claim, which means there’s a lot of reasons your claim could get denied. Check out three common reasons why your ERISA disability claim could get denied. Your Disability Doesn’t Match the Policy’s Definition Read More»

3 Things You Should And Shouldn't Do If You Are In A Car Accident

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Car accidents happen everyday. Some of them are severe, while others are just mild fender benders. Regardless of the severity of the accident, it is important that if you are in a car accident you protect yourself legally. Many times the other party will try to file a personal injury lawsuit against you, and you need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to protect yourself. Here are a couple things that you should and shouldn’t do if you are in a car accident. Read More»

Your Child Being Bullied? Red Flags To Look For & Steps To Stop It

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Bullying happens, in fact, 19.6 percent of high school students report being bullied at school (not taking into account the children that did not report the issues). As a parent, you should know what to do should your child be a victim of bullying and be aware of a few warning signs. This guide will give you that information and peace of mind.  Signs That Your Child Is A Victim Read More»

3 Workplace Timeclock Rules You Need To Know About

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Is your employer threatening to dock your pay? Is it true that you can clock in several minutes late and still be considered to have arrived on time? Does the amount of money on your paycheck not always match up to the number of hours that you remember working? Most employers have rules for employees – both salaried and hourly – that govern what actions an employee may be docked for, when they’re supposed to arrive and leave work, and how they’re supposed to handle timekeeping. Read More»