Carrasco Family Law Blog

Your Child Being Bullied? Red Flags To Look For & Steps To Stop It

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Bullying happens, in fact, 19.6 percent of high school students report being bullied at school (not taking into account the children that did not report the issues). As a parent, you should know what to do should your child be a victim of bullying and be aware of a few warning signs. This guide will give you that information and peace of mind.  Signs That Your Child Is A Victim Read More»

3 Workplace Timeclock Rules You Need To Know About

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Is your employer threatening to dock your pay? Is it true that you can clock in several minutes late and still be considered to have arrived on time? Does the amount of money on your paycheck not always match up to the number of hours that you remember working? Most employers have rules for employees – both salaried and hourly – that govern what actions an employee may be docked for, when they’re supposed to arrive and leave work, and how they’re supposed to handle timekeeping. Read More»

Tips For Securing Grandparent's Visitation Rights If Your Child Dies

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Losing a child is difficult, but it can be made even more difficult if you also lose access to your grandchildren. Unfortunately, problems between you and your child’s spouse can escalate after a death. If it reaches the point where your son- or daughter-in-law isn’t allowing you to see the grandchildren, you need to understand that you still have options. The following tips can help you regain your visitation rights. Read More»

3 Ways To Help Your Children Cope With Divorce

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When you get married, you expect to spend the rest of your life together. The last thing anyone envisions is having to go through a divorce. However, it happens more often than you might realize. Divorces happen at every turn. While there are cases where it is in your best interest, that doesn’t make it any less stressful. When you have children involved, it becomes that much more difficult to get through it all. Read More»

How To File For Disability Benefits

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Filing for social security disability benefits can be a complicated and stressful journey, particularly, since you are already under pressure from a health condition. For many, hiring a social security attorney is a wise choice. If you are considering applying for these benefits, you need to understand the entire process.  Who is Eligible According to the Social Security Administration, you must have a severe medical condition that keeps you from working at any of your previous jobs, keeps your from doing any other job, keeping in mind your particular skills and education, and meets the official Social Security impairment listing, which includes cardiovascular conditions, neurological impairments, and mental disorders, among many others. Read More»