Carrasco Family Law Blog

Understanding The Roles Of A Family Law Attorney

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Before hiring a family law attorney, it’s a good idea to understand what fields of practice they actually handle. Family law covers matters that arise from marriages, domestic partnerships and having children. That covers a lot of territory, and you should make a point to ask for a consultation and learn what a particular lawyer is most comfortable dealing with. This list will give you a better starting point for that conversation. Read More»

Personal Injury Claims And Independent Medical Examinations

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Automobile accidents can cause many different types of damage and harm. Victims often feel like almost every aspect of their lives are negatively affected, and it’s easy to see why. Accidents can affect your health, your budget, your transportation, and more. One of the most difficult areas of damage for victims can come in the form of medical expenses. Read on to learn more about what could happen if your medical bills come under scrutiny. Read More»

What To Do When Your Child Is Hurt At A Trampoline Park

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Trampoline parks are popping up in just above every area. For kids, they are loads of fun. However, as a parent, you know that trampolines can sometimes be dangerous. One of the worst feelings as a parent is for your concerns about trampoline parks to surface in the form of an injury. If your child is hurt at one of these centers, the law is on your side. Learn who might be liable for your child’s injuries to discover how you should move forward. Read More»

Beware Of Car Accident Fraud: How To Win A Case

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Given how lucrative a successful personal injury lawsuit can be, some individuals will unfortunately attempt to fake a personal injury after a car accident and claim you were responsible for the accident. If this happens, you may need to retain a lawyer and will also need to gather evidence to prove that you did not cause the accident or that the accident didn’t occur in the first place. Get the Police Involved Read More»

How To Get A Quick Divorce Without Hightailing It To Nevada

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Although Nevada is synonymous with quick divorces, you don’t have to get out of state to conclude your divorce fast. Here are a few tips to help you divorce fast in your state. File a No-Fault Divorce Virtually all states allow for no-fault divorce filings. Therefore, even if your partner has wronged you and you feel like getting vindicated in court, you may wish to ignore your feelings and file a no-fault divorce instead if you want it to be over quickly. Read More»