4 Stages Of Discovery During A Truck Accident Case
Being involved in a truck accident of any kind can be scary. The potential for being injured is great, and so is the likelihood of suffering a substantial financial loss. If you're involved in a legal action due to a trucking accident, you should be prepared for the discovery stage of the lawsuit. Knowing what will occur during each of these stages is ideal for any individual in this situation.
Written Interrogatories
It may be necessary to answer a series of questions regarding your trucking accident. These will be issued to your attorney from the opposing party's attorney. The maximum number of questions you will receive is 25, and it's critical to the outcome of your case to provide thorough details when responding.
The Deposition
Meeting with the other side's attorney is part of the discovery stage. This is known as the deposition, and it's your legal responsibility to provide truthful answers to any questions you're asked. Listed below are some important things to know about a deposition:
- Before giving your answers, you will be sworn in under oath.
- Any untruthful responses that you provide could result in perjury, and this may be punishable by fees or even time in jail.
- There will be a court reporter in attendance, and the job of this person is to make a record of the entire meeting. Both of the legal parties will get a copy, and one will be sent to court if it goes this far.
- You should have your attorney with you at the deposition.
Request for Admissions
In order to shorten the length of your case in court, you will be required to either admit or deny specific statements. This is referred to as the request for admissions, and you will receive these from your lawyers.
Request for Production Documents
The time to prove your financial losses or that you were not at fault for the accident is during this stage. You should be prepared to provide official documentation, such as an estimate of the cost to repair your car or copies of medical bills during this stage of discovery.
Being able to receive compensation for any money you lost after the trucking accident is sure to be on your mind. It's ideal to consult with a trucking accident attorney like Gabrielson Law Offices, Ltd who can provide you with the full details of how to proceed during the discovery stage of civil litigation.